Behind the Scenes: The Sustainable Journey of Kebony Dually Modified™ Wood

In the realm of sustainable architecture and design, Kebony wood stands tall as a beacon of innovation and environmental consciousness. Its rich, natural beauty coupled with its remarkable durability has made it a favorite among architects, designers, and eco-conscious consumers alike. But what exactly is Kebony wood, and how is it made? Let’s delve into the fascinating process behind this extraordinary material.

Understanding Kebony Wood

Kebony is not a species of wood but rather a patented wood modification process perfected in Norway. It enhances the properties of sustainable softwood by permanently altering its cell structure using bio-based liquids derived from agricultural crop waste. This transformation imbues the wood with exceptional durability, stability, and a rich, dark hue reminiscent of tropical hardwoods.

The Journey of Transformation

The journey of Kebony wood begins with sustainably sourced softwood. This timber is carefully selected for its quality and sustainability, ensuring minimal environmental impact throughout the process.

Wood Selection: High-grade softwood logs are chosen for Kebony treatment, ensuring that the resulting product meets the highest standards of performance and aesthetics.

Preparation: The selected logs undergo meticulous preparation, including debarking and shaping, to ensure uniformity and consistency in the final product.

Dual Modification: Active and Passive

Thanks to the unique Dually modified™ process, Kebony is able to replicate nature and produce wood with equal or superior performance of tropical hardwood, in a fast and sustainable way.

Active Modification

Impregnation: The prepared wood is then subjected to a proprietary impregnation and pressurization process with furfuryl alcohol, known as furfurylation. There are two types of modification involved. The biobased liquid reacts with OH-groups present in wood and reduces the water sensitivity significantly. This reaction increases the durability of the wood.

Passive Modification

Heat Treatment: Following furfurylation, the wood undergoes a controlled heat treatment process. This process involves subjecting the wood to high temperatures in a specialized kiln, where the combination of heat and pressure triggers chemical reactions within the wood’s cellular structure.

Polymerization: During heat treatment, the bio-based liquids react with the wood fibers, resulting in polymerization. This process permanently alters the wood’s cell structure, enhancing its durability, stability, and resistance to decay, rot, and fungal growth. The biobased liquid forms a polymer that reinforces the wood which contributes directly to the strength and hardness of the wood and gives the brown color.

Cooling and Conditioning: Once the heat treatment is complete, the wood is gradually cooled and conditioned to stabilize its internal moisture content and lock in the desired properties.

Finishing: The final step involves sanding and finishing the wood to achieve the desired texture and appearance. Kebony wood boasts a smooth, elegant surface that showcases the natural grain and character of the wood.

The Environmental Advantage

One of the most compelling aspects of Kebony wood is its environmental sustainability. By utilizing sustainably sourced softwood and bio-based liquids, the Kebony process minimizes the environmental footprint associated with traditional wood treatments. Additionally, the durability and longevity of Kebony wood contribute to its eco-friendly credentials by reducing the need for frequent replacement and maintenance.

Applications and Benefits

Kebony wood finds a wide range of applications in both indoor and outdoor settings. From decking and cladding to furniture and outdoor applications, its exceptional durability and natural beauty make it a versatile choice for architects, designers, and homeowners alike. Moreover, Kebony wood’s resistance to moisture, UV exposure, and temperature fluctuations make it ideal for challenging environments such as coastal regions and urban landscapes.

In a world where sustainability and quality are paramount, Kebony wood stands as a testament to the power of innovation and ingenuity. By harnessing the forces of nature and technology, the Kebony process transforms humble softwood into a premium material that rivals the beauty and performance of tropical hardwoods while championing environmental stewardship. As we continue to seek sustainable solutions for the built environment, Kebony wood serves as a shining example of what can be achieved when nature and craftsmanship converge in perfect harmony.