Landscape Forms’ Studio 431: Designing with Intent



“Design intent is one of the most important and critical aspects of who we are.”
-Caleb Nitz, Studio 431 Operations Manager

Landscape Forms began constructing their site furniture and other outdoor amenities fifty years ago, and Studio 431 was added ten years ago as a specific sector to expand their offerings and support clients’ requests for custom designs. Studio 431 works alongside landscape architects and contractors from the very early design and ideation stages to consult on a project’s possibilities, materials that could be used, and the best ways to engineer their visions. Once the project has been conceptualized, Studio 431 coordinates the delivery, assembly, and installation to bring the vision into reality.

“Every project has a story. Being able to tell that and really see that story is one of the things we pride ourselves in doing.”
-Caleb Nitz

Hudson River Park’s Pier 26 is one of Studio 431’s successful projects that has given new life to the Hudson River Waterfront. Featuring an expansive piece of wood furniture fabricated from Kebony modified wood, the pier is a place where members of the community can temporarily break from reality and connect with nature and with one another. With sports courts, seating areas, and estuary education efforts, Pier 26 is a place everyone can enjoy.

Read more about Hudson River Park’s Pier 26
Learn more about Studio 431